Wednesday, February 15, 2012
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FE Welcomes QP Wearer And Endorser Celebrity Philippines TV Host Cory Quirino!FE Welcomes QP Wearer And Endorser Celebrity Philippines TV Host Cory Quirino!

FE is proud to welcome QP Wearer and Endorser Philippines Celebrity TV Host, Newspaper Columnist and Wellness, Health and Beauty Guru, Cory Quirino, seen here with FE Founder CEO Paul Ting, Presidential Director Pastor Art Medina and FE Social Entreprepreneur and President of the Center For Arts Foundation Philippines, Jerome Vinarao. Cory's TV show "A Good Life" is watched by 20 million viewers every week in 45 countries around the world! Cory is the granddaughter of the late President Elpidio Quirino of the Philippines and shares FE's vision of building a global platform for social entrepreneurs to help the less fortunates of society. We are very proud to have a good hearted person of Cory's stature with us who shares our vision and we look forward to a long and rewarding relationship together!


FE Welcomes QP Wearer US Senator Rory Respicio!


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