THE controversy over the report on the “Interphone” study released recently has rekindled my interest about the dangers of EMF – electromagnetic fields. My main interest is the effects on cancer, as I continue to be perplexed by the relentless increase in cancers, and our failure to fight this disease.
Newsweek magazine (http://www.newsweek.com/2010/08/05/will-this-phone-kill-you.html) had this to say about the report: “Interphone, organized by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, was the largest (10,751 subjects, ages 30 to 59, in 13 countries), longest (10 years), most expensive (as much as $30 million), and most labor-intensive (48 scientists) study of its kind. That boded well for producing credible conclusions. Instead, Interphone found that using a cell phone decreased the risk of glioma (primary brain cancer) by 19%.
"Even in people who had used cell phones for more than 10 years, there was no increased risk of brain tumors, with the exception of those who said they had yakked away for more than 1,640 hours. And the 40% increased risk of glioma in this group came with a caveat that is emblematic of this field: this elevated risk, the scientists warned, may be an artifact of 'biases and error', not real."
The generally contradictory findings – apparent protective effects at most doses and elevated cancer risk at the highest exposure – point to the challenge scientists has had in figuring out what to make with the data collected. Furthermore, according to The Daily Mail, the Interphone study was substantially funded by the mobile phone industry, and many do question the neutrality of the study.
The report said that there was no significant risk for people who used their phones less than 30 minutes a day, or who used an earpiece or headphones. But scientists admit that they did not take into account phone users under the age of 30, which raises questions over the validity of the study. The results that suggest low levels of usage can actually protect against cancer is questioned by some of the researchers themselves.
The study has been heavily criticized for being deeply flawed. New research, backed by the European Union, has been launched to investigate possible links between brain tumors in children in mobile phone use.
Life is an energy phenomenon. Everything in the universe, and everything about our life involves energy, energy exchange/transformation and energy movements. Einstein showed us that matter is extremely condensed energy (E=mc²). All the forces and energies surrounding us can be scientifically categorized into 4 forms: strong nuclear force (fusion and fission), weak nuclear force (nuclear decay), gravity, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS).
EMS represents the widest range of energies and forces affecting our daily lives – including light, sound, radio signals, electricity, and of course our hand-phone signals. Almost every gadget at home, at work and everywhere emit some form of electromagnetic waves or radiation (EMW/EMR).
At home, these are some gadgets that emit EMW: television sets, stereo systems, air conditioners, fluorescent lights, telephone answering machines, cell and cordless phones, refrigerators, blenders, portable heaters, clothes washers and dryers, coffee makers, vacuum cleaners, toasters, microwave ovens and others. At the workplace – computers, cell phones, fax machines, copy machines, fluorescent lights, printers, scanners, telephone switching systems, electrical instruments, motors and other electrical devices.
The different energy forms vary in their frequencies (which determine their nature) and amplitudes (strength). To emphasis on their wide range of behavior and biological effects, they are more commonly referred to as electromagnetic frequencies or electromagnetic fields (EMF), as it is the potential harmful effects of the electromagnetic fields they generate that concern us most now.
Can EMF harm us?
For decades, there has been suspicion that EMF from power lines, home wiring, airport and military radar, substations, transformers, computers, cell phones and appliances cause everything from brain tumors, leukemia, and other cancers to birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, headaches, cataracts, heart problems, stress, nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness, depression, aggressive behavior, sleep disturbance and other health problems.
Numerous studies have produced contradictory results, yet some experts are convinced that the threat is real.
The body is electrochemical in nature, and any force that disrupts or changes the electrochemical cellular activities will affect the physiology of the body. Any form of electromagnetic field has the potential of positively or negatively affecting the body.
Studies were done at Max Planck Institute where cell phones were placed around laboratory caged rats for a few hours a day. On follow-up CAT scan 30 days later, it showed bleeding of the blood vessels of the brain. The cell phone is not the only culprit with damaging effects on the cellular level. We are bombarded by EMF from thousands of other gadgets around us everyday. Some scientists estimate that we are now exposed to 100 million times the EMF radiation of our grandparents!
For the harmful effects of microwave ovens, you can read Ten Reasons to Throw out your Microwave at http://www.mercola.com/article/microwave/hazards.htm.
The British Health Protection Agency has recognized the electro sensitivity syndrome (also called electro hypersensitivity syndrome) in people who suffer nausea, headaches, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, tinnitus, rashes, muscle pains, stress, emotional weakness, depression, loss of libido and other symptoms when exposed to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, electricity pylons and computer screens. About 2% to 3% of the population is affected.
One study showed men who regularly carry their mobiles near the groin, on a belt, or in a pocket could potentially have their sperm count reduced by as much as 30%. The study, conducted by Hungarian researchers, suggested that male fertility could be affected by the radiation emitted by mobile phones. It also found that sperm that survived exposure to radiation showed abnormal movements.
EMF and cancer
Dr David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health, State University of New York, believes it is likely that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come from exposure to EMF. Over the last 20 years, there has been a staggering 60% increase in cancers.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns that “There is reason for concern” and advises prudent avoidance. In a draft report issued in March 1990, the EPA actually recommended that EMF be classified as a Class B carcinogen – a “probable human carcinogen” like formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins and PCBs.
However the EPA’s final revision did NOT classify EMF as a Class B carcinogen, explaining that the link between cancer and exposure to EMF and the nature of the interaction between EMF and biological processes leading to cancer are not fully understood. This was despite their conclusion that several studies had shown that leukaemia, lymphomas and cancer of the nervous system increased in children exposed to EMF, supported by similar findings in adults.
That episode however exposed the serious potential dangers of EMF, and the strong pull lobbyists and the industry can have on important decisions affecting our health.
In May 2005, Sharesa Price of California US, who worked as a cell phone programmer, became the first person to convince a judge that her brain tumor was caused by cell phone EMF. She was awarded US 30,000 (RM 90,000) for her medical expenses.
In 2006, the top two floors of a Melbourne building were closed after 7 office workers were diagnosed with brain tumor amidst fears that the tumor may have been linked to mobile phone transmitters on the roof.
The realization that the risk from EMF should not be ignored has prompted several states in the US to require that warning labels are placed on newly bought cell phones that indicate: "These products may lead or cause cancer". Some require that cell phones must display the amount of radiation they emit.
Children more at risk
Experts in Europe have called for banning the use of cell phones by children. This was due to the recent findings that indicate child brain cancer has escalated over the last few decades. There is also fear that disturbed brain activity in children could lead to psychiatric and behavioural problems or impaired learning ability.
Their thinner skull, growing brain and developing nervous system make children more vulnerable than adults to the interaction of wireless signals with the body. Computer image modeling comparing the heads of adults and children has shown radiation penetrates far more deeply into young skulls, resulting in greater exposure to potentially harmful radio waves.
A study by the Spanish Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute in Marbella has discovered that a call lasting just two minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child’s brain for up to an hour afterwards.
Children are using cell phones at a younger age than any previous generation. The will be exposed for more years – and spend more time each day with the phones pressed to their heads – than anyone before. They will be most at risk.
Dr Michael Rich, a pediatrician researcher from the prestigious Harvard Medical School, has pointed out that the use of hand held game devices used by children and adolescents has contributed to the weakening of the immune system and the possible development of disease in young children due to the EMR and EMF emitted from these game consoles as well as cell phones.
Can we protect ourselves against harmful EMF/EMR?
It is possible to shield your home and workplace from harmful EMF/EMR by putting proper shield, filters and barriers in your wiring system, but it is less practical to shield yourself from all the other sources of EMF/EMR.
All the advice about using the hand phone less will unlikely be heeded, though we can attempt to use text messaging more instead of talking. Soon the mobile phones will come with features which reduce or totally delete the harmful EMF.
In the meantime, we have to use devices which cancel or block out the harmful EMF. These devices can be placed in the home, office, or attached to the offending gadget, or even worn as a pendant. The easiest way to block out harmful EMF/EMR around you all the time is to wear or carry such a device with you. One such device I use relies on scalar energy, and I wear it as a pendant.
Dr Amir Farid Isahak is a medical specialist who practices holistic, aesthetic and anti-ageing medicine. He is a qigong master and founder of Super Qigong. For further information, e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The views expressed are those of the writer and readers are advised to always consult expert advice before undertaking any changes to their lifestyles. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.The dangers of electromagnetic fields and radiation.
THE controversy over the report on the “Interphone” study released recently has rekindled my interest about the dangers of EMF – electromagnetic fields. My main interest is the effects on cancer, as I continue to be perplexed by the relentless increase in cancers, and our failure to fight this disease. Newsweek magazine (http://www.newsweek.com/2010/08/05/will-this-phone-kill-you.html) had this to say about the report: “Interphone, organized by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, was the largest (10,751 subjects, ages 30 to 59, in 13 countries), longest (10 years), most expensive (as much as $30 million), and most labor-intensive (48 scientists) study of its kind. That boded well for producing credible conclusions. Instead, Interphone found that using a cell phone decreased the risk of glioma (primary brain cancer) by 19%. "Even in people who had used cell phones for more than 10 years, there was no increased risk of brain tumors, with the exception of those who said they had yakked away for more than 1,640 hours. And the 40% increased risk of glioma in this group came with a caveat that is emblematic of this field: this elevated risk, the scientists warned, may be an artifact of 'biases and error', not real." The generally contradictory findings – apparent protective effects at most doses and elevated cancer risk at the highest exposure – point to the challenge scientists has had in figuring out what to make with the data collected. Furthermore, according to The Daily Mail, the Interphone study was substantially funded by the mobile phone industry, and many do question the neutrality of the study. The report said that there was no significant risk for people who used their phones less than 30 minutes a day, or who used an earpiece or headphones. But scientists admit that they did not take into account phone users under the age of 30, which raises questions over the validity of the study. The results that suggest low levels of usage can actually protect against cancer is questioned by some of the researchers themselves. The study has been heavily criticized for being deeply flawed. New research, backed by the European Union, has been launched to investigate possible links between brain tumors in children in mobile phone use. |
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For decades, there has been suspicion that EMF from power lines, home wiring, airport and military radar, substations, transformers, computers, cell phones and appliances cause everything from brain tumors, leukemia, and other cancers to birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, headaches, and other health problems. |
What is EMF/EMR?
Life is an energy phenomenon. Everything in the universe, and everything about our life involves energy, energy exchange/transformation and energy movements. Einstein showed us that matter is extremely condensed energy (E=mc²). All the forces and energies surrounding us can be scientifically categorized into 4 forms: strong nuclear force (fusion and fission), weak nuclear force (nuclear decay), gravity, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). EMS represents the widest range of energies and forces affecting our daily lives – including light, sound, radio signals, electricity, and of course our hand-phone signals. Almost every gadget at home, at work and everywhere emit some form of electromagnetic waves or radiation (EMW/EMR). At home, these are some gadgets that emit EMW: television sets, stereo systems, air conditioners, fluorescent lights, telephone answering machines, cell and cordless phones, refrigerators, blenders, portable heaters, clothes washers and dryers, coffee makers, vacuum cleaners, toasters, microwave ovens and others. At the workplace – computers, cell phones, fax machines, copy machines, fluorescent lights, printers, scanners, telephone switching systems, electrical instruments, motors and other electrical devices. The different energy forms vary in their frequencies (which determine their nature) and amplitudes (strength). To emphasis on their wide range of behavior and biological effects, they are more commonly referred to as electromagnetic frequencies or electromagnetic fields (EMF), as it is the potential harmful effects of the electromagnetic fields they generate that concern us most now. Can EMF harm us? For decades, there has been suspicion that EMF from power lines, home wiring, airport and military radar, substations, transformers, computers, cell phones and appliances cause everything from brain tumors, leukemia, and other cancers to birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, headaches, cataracts, heart problems, stress, nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness, depression, aggressive behavior, sleep disturbance and other health problems. Numerous studies have produced contradictory results, yet some experts are convinced that the threat is real. The body is electrochemical in nature, and any force that disrupts or changes the electrochemical cellular activities will affect the physiology of the body. Any form of electromagnetic field has the potential of positively or negatively affecting the body. Studies were done at Max Planck Institute where cell phones were placed around laboratory caged rats for a few hours a day. On follow-up CAT scan 30 days later, it showed bleeding of the blood vessels of the brain. The cell phone is not the only culprit with damaging effects on the cellular level. We are bombarded by EMF from thousands of other gadgets around us everyday. Some scientists estimate that we are now exposed to 100 million times the EMF radiation of our grandparents! For the harmful effects of microwave ovens, you can read Ten Reasons to Throw out your Microwave at http://www.mercola.com/article/microwave/hazards.htm. The British Health Protection Agency has recognized the electro sensitivity syndrome (also called electro hypersensitivity syndrome) in people who suffer nausea, headaches, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, tinnitus, rashes, muscle pains, stress, emotional weakness, depression, loss of libido and other symptoms when exposed to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, electricity pylons and computer screens. About 2% to 3% of the population is affected. One study showed men who regularly carry their mobiles near the groin, on a belt, or in a pocket could potentially have their sperm count reduced by as much as 30%. The study, conducted by Hungarian researchers, suggested that male fertility could be affected by the radiation emitted by mobile phones. It also found that sperm that survived exposure to radiation showed abnormal movements. EMF and cancer Dr David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health, State University of New York, believes it is likely that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come from exposure to EMF. Over the last 20 years, there has been a staggering 60% increase in cancers. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns that “There is reason for concern” and advises prudent avoidance. In a draft report issued in March 1990, the EPA actually recommended that EMF be classified as a Class B carcinogen – a “probable human carcinogen” like formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins and PCBs. However the EPA’s final revision did NOT classify EMF as a Class B carcinogen, explaining that the link between cancer and exposure to EMF and the nature of the interaction between EMF and biological processes leading to cancer are not fully understood. This was despite their conclusion that several studies had shown that leukaemia, lymphomas and cancer of the nervous system increased in children exposed to EMF, supported by similar findings in adults. That episode however exposed the serious potential dangers of EMF, and the strong pull lobbyists and the industry can have on important decisions affecting our health. In May 2005, Sharesa Price of California US, who worked as a cell phone programmer, became the first person to convince a judge that her brain tumor was caused by cell phone EMF. She was awarded US 30,000 (RM 90,000) for her medical expenses. In 2006, the top two floors of a Melbourne building were closed after 7 office workers were diagnosed with brain tumor amidst fears that the tumor may have been linked to mobile phone transmitters on the roof. The realization that the risk from EMF should not be ignored has prompted several states in the US to require that warning labels are placed on newly bought cell phones that indicate: "These products may lead or cause cancer". Some require that cell phones must display the amount of radiation they emit. Children more at risk Experts in Europe have called for banning the use of cell phones by children. This was due to the recent findings that indicate child brain cancer has escalated over the last few decades. There is also fear that disturbed brain activity in children could lead to psychiatric and behavioural problems or impaired learning ability. Their thinner skull, growing brain and developing nervous system make children more vulnerable than adults to the interaction of wireless signals with the body. Computer image modeling comparing the heads of adults and children has shown radiation penetrates far more deeply into young skulls, resulting in greater exposure to potentially harmful radio waves. A study by the Spanish Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute in Marbella has discovered that a call lasting just two minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child’s brain for up to an hour afterwards. Children are using cell phones at a younger age than any previous generation. The will be exposed for more years – and spend more time each day with the phones pressed to their heads – than anyone before. They will be most at risk. Dr Michael Rich, a pediatrician researcher from the prestigious Harvard Medical School, has pointed out that the use of hand held game devices used by children and adolescents has contributed to the weakening of the immune system and the possible development of disease in young children due to the EMR and EMF emitted from these game consoles as well as cell phones. Can we protect ourselves against harmful EMF/EMR? It is possible to shield your home and workplace from harmful EMF/EMR by putting proper shield, filters and barriers in your wiring system, but it is less practical to shield yourself from all the other sources of EMF/EMR. All the advice about using the hand phone less will unlikely be heeded, though we can attempt to use text messaging more instead of talking. Soon the mobile phones will come with features which reduce or totally delete the harmful EMF. In the meantime, we have to use devices which cancel or block out the harmful EMF. These devices can be placed in the home, office, or attached to the offending gadget, or even worn as a pendant. The easiest way to block out harmful EMF/EMR around you all the time is to wear or carry such a device with you. One such device I use relies on scalar energy, and I wear it as a pendant. Dr Amir Farid Isahak is a medical specialist who practices holistic, aesthetic and anti-ageing medicine. He is a qigong master and founder of Super Qigong. For further information, e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The views expressed are those of the writer and readers are advised to always consult expert advice before undertaking any changes to their lifestyles. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information. |

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